The Nikkei 225 Future is trading at 21,860.00 with a loss of -0.14% percent or -30.00 point . The NSE Nifty Future is trading at 11,408.80 with a loss of -0.27% percent or -30.40 point. The Hang Seng Future is trading at 27,831.00 with a loss of – 1.35% percent or -382.00 point.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) is planning to limit investors’ exposure to shares and equity derivatives in line with their net worth, said three people with knowledge of the development. The move is aimed at preventing individuals from going overboard on equity investments, considered riskier than bonds.
Sebi has sounded out stock brokers on the proposal, according to market participants. It wants investors’ assets certified by chartered accountants and brokers, who will decide the extent of their equity exposure, said one broker.

For the day the Dow is trading at 25,313.14 with a loss of -0.77% percent or -196.09 point. The S&P 500 is trading at 2,833.28 with a loss of -0.71% percent or -20.30 point. The Nasdaq Composite is trading at 7,839.11 up with -0.67% percent or -52.67 point.
In other parts of world, Japan’s Nikkei 225 is trading at 21,857.43 with a loss of -1.98% percent or -440.65 point. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng is trading at 27,944.59 with a loss of -1.49% percent or -422.03 point. China’s Shanghai Composite is trading at 2,785.8 with a loss of -0.34% percent or -9.44 point. India’s BSE Sensex is trading at 37,747.46 with a loss of -0.32% percent or -121.77 point at 12:15 PM.